Pff… step aside winter, spring is finally reeeaally here!!! Other than a ton of flowers blooming and wonderful events like the superbloom, we’ve got picnics, bbq’s, the pool/beach?? er, in general, outdoor parties finally coming! There are several things you can bring to a spring/summer/outdoor/indoor party… yet my mom and I like to bring what we’ve been cooking for years: Buttery, savory, Garlic Dill Potatoes. It’s really simple, easy, and people go kinda gaga over it. Seriously. I think people are true suckers for garlic and bacon which is kind of our secret to be a winner at potlucks. You can add as many garlic cloves as you want – depending on your love for garlic. I made mine so garlicky that my mom told me I smelt bad. She also told me dill weed is good to reduce menstrual cramps….. Anyway, the smell of garlic and sizzling bacon by themselves on a pan will make anyone crawl for whatever dish it’s in. Oh, and if you/someone is vegan – (a few Instagram followers requested for vegan recipes) , just omit the bacon and the garlic and butter themselves will do justice.
There’s also an update! After my pecha kucha prsentation, a woman from Autodesk’s AutoCAD department found me and The Chef Charette blog after reading about USC’s pecha kucha night and…. emailed me asking if she could feature a story about how I use AutoCAD to develop all my recipes…Jeez, another dream has come true already this year. More public exposure! So I’ll be having a phone interview with her and another AutoCAD employee on Tuesday… please wish us luck that things will go well and we can develop something super cool.